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The bobcat (Lynx rufus), also known as the red lynx, is a medium-sized cat native to North America. It ranges from southern Canada through most of the contiguous United States to Oaxaca in Mexico.
Cinnamon and Louie were brought to CALM at different times but are now the best of Bear Buds!
Lassen and Spirit made their way into CALM through US Fish and Wildlife and CALM’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center after it was determined that their injuries would make it impossible for them to return to the wild.
Betty joined CALM in December of 2008 after a wing injury kept her from being releasable. CALM partnered with US Fish and Wildlife officials to ensure that Betty was able to heal and be given sanctuary at CALM.
Scruggs is a very interesting guy! He came to CALM from a fellow wildlife rehabilitation center after being struck by a car.
The endangered San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica) was formerly very common in the San Joaquin Valley and through much of Central California.
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Keeping our animals healthy is our #1 priority. Our animals receive care from vets and zoo staff.
Help us by donating so we can support the medical management of our animals so they have everything that need!
Our highly trained staff takes care of our animals and insures that every visitor to our zoo has a great time!
I hope scruggs gets everything he needs!
I hope Lassen enjoys the donation.
Betty is magnificent!
I love Fiona stay pretty girl
I wish I could have Roxie for myself!
Wishing Louie the best!
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